
% s = 973554513;

% randn('state',s)

X = [];

th = 1;

h = .01;

   x = 0;

   dd = 1;std=1;


   while abs(x) < th


      x = x + dd.*h + std*sqrt(h).*randn(1); 

      X = [X ; [t x]];

   end  % a single trial

   n = size(X,1); 


   Y = (n+1):(n+100);

   Y = [ h*Y' zeros(100,1)];

   X = [X ; Y];

   N = size(X,1);






    ylabel('Preference State')

    axis( [0 t+100*h -3*th 3*th] )



% generate data for random walk simulation



n = 300;  % trials

ns = 20; % subjects

ng=3; % groups


d = [-.75 ; .75];  % noise signal

th =1; z = .2; stdd=.5; sth=.1; 

% d = [-.5 ; .5];

% th = 1; z = .2; stdd=0; sth=0; mt = 0;


type = 2;


if type ==1

datam = zeros(n,4,ns,ng);

% n x 4 :

% n trials

% 4 cond's: noise-up noise-down sig-up sig-down

% nstim-Sresp nstim-Nresp sstim-Sresp sstim-Nresp

for age = 1:ng


    mt = (age/ng);      

        for sub = 1:ns 

        thr = th + sth*age*randn(1);

        choice = simulate(n,d,thr,z,stdd,mt);

        datam(:,:,sub,age) = choice;





    load simdat;




% run data_anal; 

run summary;

% run test_diff

% save simdat datam Ym Mdat






function choice = simulate(n,d,th,z,stdd,mt)

% [choice, Rt] = simulate(n,d,th,z,stdd,mt,sth)

% produces a sample of n simulations from a diffusion process


h = .0001;

choice = zeros(n,2,2);

for c = 1:2  % pick a d value

for k = 1:n  % run trials


   t = mt; 

   x = z;

   dd = d(c) + stdd*randn(1);

   while abs(x) < th


      x = x + dd.*h + sqrt(h).*randn(1); 

   end  % a single trial

   choice(k,:,c) = t.*[(x>0) (x<0)]; 

   % [up = resp sig; down = resp noise]


end  % all trials

end  % both d's

choice = [choice(:,:,1) choice(:,:,2)];

% trial, cond, d

% cond = noise-up noise-down sig-up sig-down


%summary statistics

 % Ym(age,subj, 4 conditions, 7 measures)

 % 4 conditions: (noise up, noise down, sig up, sig down)

 % 7 measures: (4 n's per quartile, 3 quartiles)


 Z=squeeze(sum(Ym(:,:,:,1:4),4));  % sum over four n's

C1 = Z(:,:,1)./(Z(:,:,1)+Z(:,:,2));  % prob up for noise

C2 = Z(:,:,3)./(Z(:,:,3)+Z(:,:,4));  % prob up for sig

mC1 = mean(C1,2);  % mean over subj for each group , noise

mC2 = mean(C2,2);  % mean over subj for each group , sig

' for each group, prob up given noise, prob up given sig'

Pc = [mC1 mC2]


' mrt per group for ( up noise, down noise, up sig, down sig)'

mrt = squeeze(mean(Ym(:,:,:,6),2))  % mean over subj of medians


Nq = (n/4)*[Pc  1-Pc];

Nq = cat(3,Nq,Nq,Nq,Nq);

Mq = squeeze(mean(Ym(:,:,:,5:7),2));

Mdat = cat(3,Nq,Mq);



% (mrt(:,1:2)+mrt(:,3:4))/2  % group by resp

% m1 = mrt(:,1).*Pc(:,1) + mrt(:,2).*(1-Pc(:,1));

% m2 = mrt(:,3).*Pc(:,2) + mrt(:,4).*(1-Pc(:,2));

% (m1+m2)/2