P654 Applied Multivariate Statistical Analysis
Instructor: Jerome R.
Busemeyer, Professor of Psychology
Office: Room 328 Psychology
Phone: 855-4882
email: jbusemey@indiana.edu
Notes will be available on
World Wide Web from address below:
Stevens, J. (1996) Applied
multivariate statistics for the social sciences. Erlbaum.
Course Content:
Introduction to the multivariate general linear model, principle component
analysis, factor analysis, latent structural equation modeling, categorical data
analysis, Bayesian Classification, and discriminant function analysis.
Applications selected from a wide range of areas including measurement theory,
causal modeling, signal processing, longitudinal data analysis, classification
theory, and repeated measures designs.
Evaluation: Grades will be
based on bi-weekly homework assignments that involve statistical analyses using
Matlab, SAS, and SPSS and
written reports.
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Requirements: P553 and P554 or equivalent training in basic statistical
theory, regression, and analysis of variance. Programming will be covered in
labs so that familiarity with statistical packages is not required.
Schedule (subject to announced changes):
1. Matrix
a) Interpretations of
vectors and matrices
b) distance between vectors
c) Special matrices (identity, ones, square, symmetric)
d) addition, multiplication,
transpose, inversion of matrices
e) eigenvalues and
eigenvectors of a matrix
2. Random
a) Expectation Operation
b) Variance - Covariance
c) Variance of Linearly
Transformed Vectors
d) sample statistics
e) Multivariate Normal
f) Multivariate Central
Limit Theorem
Multivariate General Linear Model
a) multivariate regression
b) multivariate ANOVA
c) repeated measure analysis
4. Analysis
of Covariance Structures
a) Principle Components
b) Exploratory Factor Analysis
c) Latent Structural
Equation Models
d) Longitudinal Analysis
Categorical Dependent Variables
a) Categorical data analysis
b) Bayesian Classification
Discriminant function Analysis