Categorical Data Analysis
First consider once
again the familiar GLM model for a 3 x 5 factorial design. Factor A has 3
levels and factor B has 5 levels. yi is the
dependent variable for subject i (i-th
row). We need 2 effect codes for factor
A and 4 for factor B, and then 2 x 4 = 8 for the interaction effect in the GLM:
yi= b0 + [a1Ai1 + a2Ai1]
+ [b1Bi1
+ b4Bi4] +
+ c8Ai2ΧBi4]
Using GLM, we
assumed that the dependent variable was a normally distributed variable . Now we assume that it takes on a small number of
1. Logit model:
To start , suppose that the observed dependent
variable, denoted R, takes on only
two values coded (1 = correct, yes, present, or true , vs. 0 = incorrect, no, absent, or false).
Lets call this binary valued dependent variable Ri. We assume that Ri is a probabilistic
function of a latent continuous variable yi .
The logit model assumes that
yi = b0 + [a1Ai1 + a2Ai1]
+ [b1Bi1
+ b4Bi4] +
+ c8Ai2ΧBi4]
+ ei
yi = b0
+ [a1Ai1 + a2Ai1] + [b1Bi1
+ b4Bi4] +
+ c8Ai2ΧBi4]
yi = yi+ ei
Pr[ Ri = 1 ] = Pr[ yi
> 0 ] = Pr[ei > - yi ]
= Pr[ -ei < yi ] = Pr[ ei < yi ]
(assuming symmetry of the error distribution in
the last step)
If we assume that
has a logistic cumulative distribution (very closely approximates a normal
cumulative but is simpler to use) then
Pr[ Ri
= 0 ] = exp(0)/[ exp(0) + exp(yi)]
Pr[ Ri
= 1 ] = exp(yi)/[ exp(0) + exp(yi)]
Note that
Li = (Pr[ Ri = 1 ]/ Pr[ Ri = 0 ]) = exp(yi)
Ln(Li) = yi = b0
+ [a1Ai1 + a2Ai1] + [b1Bi1
+ b4Bi4] +
+ c8Ai2ΧBi4]
Thus the logit score is described by a linear anova
model. This is an example of the Generalized Linear
Model. The logit transform, mapping Pr[ Ri
= 1 ] into yi,
is called the link function.
Why not simply use
GLM on the logit score Ln(Li)? Some people do. However,
Problem 1: Ri is binary and not normal (violating our assumptions for f-tests)
Problem 2: var(Ri) = pjk (1-pjk
) non homogeneous (again violating assumptions for f-tests)
Problem 3: If we use the formula
derived for GLM for the least squares criterion, then the parameter estimates
are not minimum variance.
Solution: We can use either weighted
least squares or maximum likelihood to estimate the model parameters.
Multiple Response Logit Model:
Very often we have
more than two categories for the response measure. In this case we use the
multiple response logit model.
A drug reaction (pos, neg,
neutral) is measured at five dosage levels for three age groups of rats. This
is a 3 x 5 between groups design with a categorical dependent variable (drug
reaction). Reactions from N = 150 rats were obtained with n = 10
subjects per group.
Group |
Age |
Dose |
Pos (j=1) |
Neg (j=2) |
Neutral (j=3) |
1 |
1 |
1 |
0 |
2 |
8 |
2 |
1 |
2 |
2 |
3 |
5 |
3 |
1 |
3 |
1 |
6 |
3 |
4 |
1 |
4 |
4 |
1 |
5 |
5 |
1 |
5 |
6 |
0 |
4 |
6 |
2 |
1 |
1 |
3 |
6 |
7 |
2 |
2 |
3 |
3 |
4 |
8 |
2 |
3 |
3 |
2 |
5 |
9 |
2 |
4 |
7 |
1 |
2 |
10 |
2 |
5 |
8 |
0 |
2 |
11 |
3 |
1 |
0 |
8 |
2 |
12 |
3 |
2 |
1 |
5 |
4 |
13 |
3 |
3 |
3 |
3 |
4 |
14 |
3 |
4 |
9 |
1 |
0 |
15 |
3 |
5 |
9 |
1 |
0 |
pkj = nkj / nk. observed relative
frequency of response category j given group k
pkj = true population probability of response category j given condition k
nk. = n = 10 number of observations in group k
Logistic Response model for J = 3
categories j=1 negative, j=2 positive, j = 3 neutral ykj is predicted latent strength variable for resp j cond k yk3 = 0 (last
category j=3, fixed equal to 0) pkj = exp(ykj) / [ exp(yk1)
+ exp(yk2) + exp(yk3) ] ykj = ln[exp(ykj)/ exp(0)] = ln[exp(ykj)/
exp(ykJ)] = ln[ pkj / pk3 ]
= ln(pkj) - ln(pk3) |
Multinomial Model J categories ykj is predicted latent strength variable for resp j cond k ykJ = 0
(last response score fixed equal to 0) pkj = exp(ykj) / [ ε i = 1,J exp(yki) ] ykj = ln[ pkj / pkJ ] = ln(pkj) - ln(pkJ) |
= true probability of category j response pj =
(nj/n) sample est
of pj based on n obs (this is conditioned on some given
population k , but I temporarily
suppress the subscript k for convenience) var(pj) = pj (1-pj ) / n cov(pi , pj
) = - pip j / n Pk =[ p1 ,
, pJ
] = sample probabilities for group
k Vk = Cov(Pk ,Pk)
= [diag(Pk)-PkPk']
/ n J x J matrix (d /dpkj )ln
pkj = 1/pkj Yk = A ln(Pk) (a (J-1) x 1 vector, last response omitted) A is a
(J-1)xJ contrast matrix A
= [ 1 0 0
0 -1
0 1 0
0 -1
0 0
1 -1] e.g., for three categories
A = [ 1 0 -1 0 1 -1 ] Wk = Cov( Y' = [Y1' , ... , Y15'
] (scores for all 15 groups) W = Cov(Y,Y)
= diag[ W1 , ... , W15 ] |
Linear Model of Transformed Probabilities: Y
= F[P ] = Xb , P = population probability vector Y = F[P] = sample estimates X is a design matrix used to code main and
interaction effects: main effect dose, main effect age, dose X age interaction Weighted Least Squares Estimate B = (X'W-1X)-1(X'W-1Y) Chi Square Test of H0 : Cb = 0 c 2 = (CB)'[ C (X'W-1X)-1C'
] -1(CB) df = no. of elements in CB. |
Alternatively we can use maximum likelihood
and log likelihood ratio tests. Estimate
b using P = F-1[Y]
F-1[Xb] by
maximizing Ln(L) = ε ln(Kj)
+ Sjk njkΧln(pjk) ε ln(Kj)
is a constant that can be ignored Ln(Lc) := the log likelihood of a complex
model, Ln(Lr) := the log likelihood of a restricted
model Log likelihood ratio
= Ln[(Lr / Lc)] = Ln(Lr) Ln(Lc) G2
= -2Χ[Ln(Lr)
Ln(Lc)] is a chi square statistic lack of fit statistic with
df = (s-r) |
Ordinal Responses
Categorical analysis throws away all
information. Usually we can assume an ordinal response scale. The above example
with positive neutral and negative could be treated as an ordinal scale.
Here is another example.
Confidence ratings were obtained in a signal
detection task. Each subject rated confidence that a signal was present on each
trial (very low, low, med, high, very high). Six
levels of signal intensity were manipulated. 300 trials were obtained, with 50
trials observed at each level of intensity.
Here we will make the assumption that the repeated responses from each
person are statistically independent (very likely an incorrect assumption).
Intensity |
VLow =1 |
Low =2 |
Med=3 (j) |
High=4 |
VHigh= 5 |
0 |
75 |
20 |
4 |
1 |
0 |
1 |
68 |
18 |
4 |
9 |
1 |
(k) |
50 |
35 |
15 |
3 |
2 |
3 |
35 |
13 |
12 |
30 |
10 |
4 |
22 |
18 |
20 |
30 |
10 |
5 |
11 |
9 |
20 |
35 |
25 |
k is row index, j
is column index
Compute the cumulative probability of responding
at or below each response level j for
each intensity k
of Ckj
= (nk1 + nk2 +
+ nk,j)/nk.
intensity 2 (in row k = 3) and
response columns up to j = 4)
e.g. C34 = (50+35+15+3)/100
qj =
threshold for confidence level j
if subjective
experience falls below q1 then choose confidence level 1
subjective experience falls inside the interval [q1 , q2 ] then
choose confidence level 2
subjective experience falls inside the interval [q2 , q3 ] then
choose confidence level 3
subjective experience falls inside the interval [q3 , q4 ] then
choose confidence level 4
subjective experience falls above q4 then
choose confidence level 5
(b0 + ak) =
General linear model for mean latent strength of the signal for condition k
e.g. k = 1
(signal intensity = 0, noise condition) a1 = 0 and
mean = b0
k =
3 (signal intensity = 2)
mean = (b0 + a3)
(b0 + ak) + ekj
(signal plus noise)
ykj = qj - (b0
+ ak)
and ykj = ykj +
ekj (latent strength variable)
Cjk = Pr[ Respond at or below Confidence level j | stim
intensity k]
= Pr[ Resp = 1 or Resp = 2
or Resp = j | stim intensity k]
= Pr[(b0 + ak) + ekj
< qj ] = Pr[ekj < qj - (b0
+ ak)] = Pr[ekj < ykj]
Using Logistic cumulative distribution
Ckj = exp(ykj)/[1
+ exp(ykj)]
[Ckj /
(1 Ckj)]
= exp(ykj)
Ln[Ckj /
(1 Ckj)]
= ykj
= qj (b0
+ ak)
Alternatively we could derive the Probability
of responding higher than category j
(j+1,..., J = max
category level)
= Pr[ Respond above Confidence level j | stim
intensity k]
= Pr[ Resp = j+1 or Resp = j+2
or Resp
= J | stim intensity k]
= Pr[(b0 + ak) + ekj > qj ] = Pr[
(b0 + ak) - qj > -ekj] =
Pr[ -ykj > -ekj ] = Pr[-ekj < -ykj]
= Pr[ekj
< -ykj
] = Pr[ekj < (b0
+ ak) - qj ]
= exp(-ykj)/[1
+ exp(-ykj)]
= 1/[1 + exp(ykj)]
Chcck: 1-Ckj = 1 -
1/[1 + exp(ykj)].
Use maximum likelihood to estimate the
Use G2
= -2
Example 3: Repeated Measures. A
drug reaction (pos, neg) is measured at five
equally space time points for three age groups of rats. This is a 3 (between)
x 5 (within) repeated measures design with a binary dependent variable (drug
reaction). N = number of subjects in the study. The 2 responses at 5 time points produces 25 = 32 cells for each group. Three groups of 32 cells produces
a total of 32 x 3 = 96 proportions. Pj = a 32 column vector where each cell represents the
population proportion of subjects falling into one of the 32 cells for group j
( j = 1,2,3) P is a 96 element column vector of all the
proportions. SAS
Program |