1. Review of GLM:
Y = N x p matrix of scores from
N subjects on p criteria
X = N x q matrix scores
from N subjects on q predictor variables
B = (X'X)-1(X'Y)
(matrix of coefficients)
Y* = XB (predictions)
E = Y - Y* (Residuals)
D = CB = (Treatment
Qh = D'[ C(X'X)-1C' ]-1D
Qe = E'E
2. Goal:
Choose a post contrast matrix A = [a1
, a2 , ... , ap]'
to maximize F = [(A'QhA)/(A'QeA)][dfD
/ dfN]
In other words, compute discriminant scores, Z =
which produce the largest F ratio when Z
is used as the dependent variable.
3. Solution:
Compute the eigenvectors and eigenvalues of the matrix product [Qe-1Qh]
l1 = the largest
P1 = the eigenvector
corresponding to the largest eigenvalue.
A = P1 is chosen for the post
contrast matrix,
Z = YP1 defines
the scores on the first discriminant variable.
l1 =
(P1'QhP1 )/(P1'QeP1
4. We can extract a second second discriminant variable orthogonal to the first by setting
l2 = the second
largest eigenvalue
P2 = the eigenvector
corresponding to the second largest eigenvalue.
Z = YP2 defines
the scores on the second discriminant variable
5. The extraction of discrminant variables can continue until we reach the rank of [Qe-1Qh] .
= rank( Qh ) = rank(C)
= number of rows in C used to define D = CB.