Latent Structural Equation Models
Purpose: Combine a econometric structural
model with a psychometric measurement model.
The structural model is a causal model that
relates the exogenous (independent) variables to the endogenous (dependent)
variables. The measurement model is a factor model that relates the observed
indicators to the latent factors. All relations are assumed to be linear.
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Psychological-Bulletin.1993 Jul; Vol 114(1): 185-199.
Structural Model: h = Bh + G x + V h is a (m x
1) vector of latent endogenous variables x is a (n x
1) vector of latent exogenous variables V is a (m x
1) vector of residual variables B
is a matrix of structural coefficients that relate endogenous to endogenous G is a matrix of structural coefficients that relate endogenous to exogenous |
Measurement Model: Y = Ly h + e X = Lx x + d Y
is a (p x 1) vector of indicators for the endogenous variables X
is a (q x 1) vector of indicators for the exogenous variables e is a
vector of endogenous measurement errors d is a
vector of exogenous measurement errors L y and L x are coefficients relating latent variables to indicators |
Definitions: F = Cov(x ,x ) Y = Cov(V,V) Q y = Cov(e ,e ) Q x = Cov(d ,d ) |
Assumptions: Cov(x ,V) = 0 , Cov(x ,e ) = 0 , Cov(x ,d ) = 0 Cov(e ,V) = 0 , Cov(d ,V) = 0 Cov(e ,d ) = 0 |
Predictions: S xx = Cov(X,X) = Lx FLx ' + Q x S xy = Cov(X,Y) = Lx F G'(I-B')-1 L y ' S yy = Cov(Y,Y) = L y(I-B)-1(GF G' + y )(I-B')-1 L y ' + Q y No. of data points = (p+q)(p+q+1)/2 No. of parameters = total no. free in q = {F , G, B, y , L x , Ly , Qy , Q x } df = (no. data points - no. parms) |
Estimation: S = [S xx
S xy S yx S yy
] S = [ Sxx Sxy
Syx Syy ] Sxx = (X'X)/(N-1) Sxy = (X'Y)/(N-1) Syy = (Y'Y)/(N-1) Generalized Least Squares: Find q that minimizes F F = (.5)Trace[ (I - S-1 S) (I - S-1 S)] = (.5)Trace[ (S-1(S -S) )2] |
Model Comparison: c 2 (df) = (N-1) F Suppose Model B is nested within Model A Model A has dfA and c 2A Model B has dfB and c 2B dfB - dfA > 0 Test of Comparison between A versus B: c 2 diff = (c 2B - c 2A ) has df = ( dfB - dfA ) |
Cross Validation: Divide total sample into two parts,
calibration versus test sample. N = N1 + N2 S1 is the sample cov matrix from
first sample S2 is the sample cov matrix from
second sample 1. Estimate q of each
model using S1 . 2. Use these same parameters to evaluate
fit to S2 . 3. Compare each model using c 2 from second test sample. This method can be used to test non-nested
models that differ in terms of number of parameters. |