Multivariate Normal Distribution



I. Definition of Multivariate Normal Density

X is a (p x 1) normally distributed random vector

with mean E[X] and Covariance matrix C(X,X).

Denoted X ~ Normal ( E[X], Cov(X,X) )

The probability density for X, denoted f(X), is defined by

G2 = (X-E[X])'Cov(X,X)-1(X-E[X])

c = (2pi)]p/2Det[Cov(X,X)]1/2

f(X) = exp[ -G2 / 2 ] / c





Alternative Expression for  G2

Note:   If  a is a m x 1 vector and b is n x 1 vector, and X is a m x n matrix

a'Xb = Tr[ (ba')X ]

G2 = Tr[(X-E[X]) (X-E[X])'Cov(X,X)-1]

Also note Tr[A+B] = Tr[A]+Tr[B]

Thus for N independent observations:

G2 = N× Tr{S (X-E[X]) (X-E[X])'/N} × Cov(X,X)-1}




II. Distribution of a linear combination of a Multivariate Random Vector

X is multivariate normal, B is a fixed set of coefficients

Y = BX

Y is also multivariate normal

mean: E[Y] = B E[X]

Cov: C(Y,Y) = B Cov(X,X) B'




III. Rotatation of Axes to orthogonal coordinates

Cov(X,X) = VDV', with V'V = VV' = I, and D = Diag[ d1, …, dp]

Define Z = D-1/2V'(X-E[X]),

Then E[Z] = 0, Cov(Z,Z) = I.

f(Z) = exp[ -(Z'Z)/2 ] / (2pi)p/2

G2 = Z' Z and G2 is chi - square distributed with df = p.

The contour of constant density is determined by the points

X = E[X] + (VD1/2)Z, such that Z'Z = G2.


IV. Multivariate Central Limit Theorem

X1 X2Xn are statistically independent random vectors

from a common distribution

with mean E[X] and covariance Cov(X,X).

Define M = (X1 + …+Xn)/n

Sqrt( n)[ M - E(X) ] is approximately Normal( 0, Cov(X,X) )

n(M-E[X])'Cov(X,X)-1(M-E[X]) is approximately Chi - Square with df = p.